Buffoon Robert DeNiro’s Remarks Outside Trump Courthouse May 17
The interview began with Elon Musk highlighting a massive DDoS attack that disrupted the live broadcast and delayed it well past its scheduled 8 PM broadcast.
Musk said this was a clear indication of the strong opposition to allowing President Trump’s voice to be heard. “This… pic.twitter.com/OxV60rj65p
Are you all starting to see how monumental this interview will be? Just look at all the people that want to prevent it from happening. Why are they all so intent on attempting to censor or outright stop this?
Voting for Joe Biden is how you stay out of Gitmo.
But we know you would never say that out in the open.
So let’s pretend you have America in mind as to your political choice despite the current economic status that screams run away from Democrat lead… pic.twitter.com/Msv7BZgYCe
As much as celebrities hate D. Trump. I wouldn't think they would need a sheet of paper to memorize how much they do like RobertDe Niro. As long as he been acting this should have required no practice if his hate is truly coming from… pic.twitter.com/Rdn7j0PNfE
2. It was given some 'features' such as four gp120 HIV inserts and several amyloid sequences that help to make it exceptionally toxic to cells, to the immune system, and to the circulatory system. This was a…
— Chris "Adequate Citations" Martenson, PhD (@chrismartenson) February 6, 2024
Thank you Vivek for responding to what you call a "smear". It's called in other circles TRANSPARENCY. Your stock sales materially include the LNP technologies that YOUR OWN COMPANY said enabled Moderna and your licensing partner said was used by Pfizer. I said in an interview… https://t.co/yuUGzUwlvo
The whole "Media Literacy" scam is a government-funded — and now in some states (NY, CA, IL) government-mandated — program to forcibly reinstall trust amongst the masses in legacy mainstream media, Clockwork Orange-style:https://t.co/Bi3EblvDKe
The Political Party that claims voting for them is saving Democracy is currently rigging the elections via kicking their opponents off ballots after blatantly rigging their own primary.
Most people I know & admire won’t speak out against this type of Banana Republic nonsense… https://t.co/KJybsGY3bd
The Biden administration is importing millions of third world immigrants to live here illegally, and at same time telling them that white people are the source of their problems. How’s that going to work out in the end? pic.twitter.com/mSbXjyML7C
No she didn’t, oh YES SHE DID! RIGHT TO HIS FACE TOO! Is it me or does everyone in this administration suck and actually want to DESTROY AMERICA! As always, make a liberal cry with every retweet pic.twitter.com/VW4ThymXyD