USA Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022


Truckers Leading Convoy to D.C. Unveil 11-Day Route Plan, NOT Going to Capitol or White House

Washington, D.C. — Truckers leading The People’s Convoy say they will not be protesting at the Capitol Building or White House at the conclusion of their upcoming journey.

In a release issued on Sunday, organizers of the upcoming cross-country demonstration against COVID-19-related mandates said the event is part of a “peaceful and unified transcontinental movement.”

“The message of The People’s Convoy is simple… it’s time for elected officials to work with the blue-collar and white-collar workers of America and restore accountability and liberty — by lifting all mandates and ending the state of emergency — as COVID is well-in-hand now, and Americans need to get back to work in a free and unrestricted manner,” the group said.

As Transportation Nation Network (TNN) reported late last week, the protest is set to begin on Wednesday, February 23, from Adelanto, CA.