Trump Russia Conspiracy Hoax

As it turns out, there was a Russia conspiracy, but it wasn’t Trump who colluded with the Russians. Trump was never arrested or charged with a crime, but so far 2 co-conspirators have been indicted in this continuing scandal.

The investigation by former special counsel Robert Mueller found that there was an aggressive effort by Russian agents to use social media and computer hacking to help Trump’s bid to win the presidency over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. But Mueller said he did not find enough evidence to charge Trump campaign affiliates with conspiring with the Russians in that effort.

(source: CNBC)

Blue State Blues: John Durham Found the First Evidence of ‘Russia Collusion’ — and Hillary’s Team Did It

Special Counsel John Durham’s indictment Thursday of “dossier” source Igor Danchenko revealed the first real evidence of “Russia collusion” — and it was linked to Hillary Clinton’s associates, not to Donald Trump or his presidential campaign.

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Attorney who advised Clinton campaign indicted in U.S. Trump-Russia probe

WASHINGTON, Sept 16 (Reuters) – A cybersecurity attorney known for his work advising Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign was indicted on Thursday for lying to the FBI, as part of U.S. Special Counsel John Durham’s probe into the origins of the FBI investigation of ties between Russia and former President Donald Trump’s campaign.

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Durham probe: Analyst charged with lying to FBI about Christopher Steele’s Trump-Russia dossier

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“The Plot Against the President”

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Based on Lee Smith’s book of the same name, “The Plot Against The President” tells the incredible story of the Russian collusion hoax in documentary form. It’s pro-Trump, but also a work of journalistic import given the critical contributions from witnesses and stakeholders who recall the investigation in detail. What’s more, “The Plot Against The President” is stylish, making a compelling case with the benefit of Hollywood flair, rare for overtly conservative production.