
Socialism (which inevitably leads to Communism) has been silently and incrementally creeping its way into American politics for decades by way of far-left progressivism, the educational system, corporations, big tech and big pharma. As we were distracted with mindless entertainment, sports, and the all of the new technological gadgets of the day, the progressive fat left Anti-America haters were pushing their communist-style form of government as we can clearly see now as it is accelerated by the Biden administration since he took office in 2020. The expanding tentacles of government and their agenda was halted for four years after Trump was elected (they never thought he would win), but now they are back on track and moving forward with their agenda, even though the majority of Americans don’t want to be under the thumb of tyrannical communist rule. We see that it has not worked so well in China, Russia, No. Korea, Cuba and most recently what has happened in Venezuela. So, here we have the elite minority 1% going against the wishes of the 99% majority. Who do you think will win? Well, it’s up to We the People; all of us need to stand up against this tyranny. Remember, the people hold the power. We still live in a Constitutional Republic and we must fight against the evil few America-hating elites in order to preserve our freedom and way of life. United we stand, divided we fall. Now is the time to be brave and stand not only for ourselves, but for or children and grandchildren.

The Socialist Agenda in the United States

How the Marxist Agenda Is Taking Over America Today: Curtis Bowers

A decade ago, Curtis Bowers made the documentary “Agenda: Grinding America Down” detailing a communist agenda to corrupt American institutions—from education to Hollywood to media—and subvert America and its values from within.

The main strategy was to divide and conquer—to turn Americans against each other.

In this episode, we sit down with Bowers to discuss what his film can tell us about our current political moment, and how Americans can reconnect with their neighbors.

Communist Coercive Methods

Below is a chart depicting the way Communist coercive methods are being used as psychological warfare against the people in the Covid-19 “pandemic” agenda. You can clearly see how this is being pushed by our politicians and mainstream media, and how a good portion of society is brainwashed into believing in and responding to this type of manipulation. It’s nothing new, just a new era and a new plan to take the people down. An implementation of the Communist Manifesto. As we look at history, we know there have always been oppressors and the oppressed. The only way to combat this tyrannical agenda is to not comply. Pure and simple.

Communist Manifesto