Videos and Documentaries

The New World (Dystopian) Order The Great Reset-Agenda 21/30

Alan Watt – Understanding The Control (2010)

In memory of Alan Watt who passed away in March, 2021. He was one of the preeminent new world order/globalist researchers and a voice who shared so much of his knowledge and research with us for so long. His calm voice, sharp mind, and prophetic vision will be missed by those who followed him and loved him.

MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL 

In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century.


Joe Rogan Interview with Dr. Peter McCullough

Kim Iversen: VIOLENT Protests Show The World Is OVER Covid Mandates