‘Elite’ Scientists Caused Deaths by Misleading Public on COVID, Newsweek Op-ed Author says

(Source: Children’s Health Defense)

In an op-ed published today in Newsweek, Kevin Bass, M.S., an M.D./Ph.D. student, blasted the elitism of the scientific community and called on it to take responsibility for the deadly consequences of misleading the public about COVID-19.

An op-ed in Newsweek today blasted the elitism of the scientific community and called on it to take responsibility for the deadly consequences of misleading the public about COVID-19.

“I was wrong,” wrote Kevin Bass, M.S., a 7th-year M.D./Ph.D. student at a Texas medical school. “We in the scientific community were wrong. And it cost lives.”

Like many medical students and researchers, Bass said he initially believed the information put out by public health authorities. He advocated for lockdowns, vaccines and boosters.