Cameron, 19 attorneys general oppose DHS ‘immigration parole power’ program

(Source: Kentucky Today)

FRANKFORT, Ky. (KT) – Attorney General Daniel Cameron has joined a 20-state coalition in a lawsuit to stop the Department of Homeland Security from operating a new program which he says would unlawfully use immigration parole power and allow a surge of illegal immigrants to the United States.

“Instead of adopting a thorough plan to address the crisis at the border, the Biden Administration has developed a program that would allow hundreds of thousands of immigrants to enter the United States illegally,” Cameron stated. “This policy threatens the safety of our communities, exacerbates the opioid crisis and would place added strain on Kentucky and states across the country.”

In their complaint, the attorneys general argue that Homeland Security’s program is unlawful because it does not comply with the limitations outlined by Congress for the use of parole power for immigration. Congress has set clear limitations for this power, determining it may only be used on a “case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”