Jacinda Ardern Vows to BAN Immune-Boosting Supplements: ‘Only Big Pharma Can Be Trusted’

(Source: Natural News)

As medical systems continue to facilitate harmful protocols that injure and maim, as pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines fail to prevent and treat basic infections, governments will inevitably be used to restrict harmless natural medicines that the people use to stay well in their own homes. 

New Zealand looking to deploy medical cartel, restricting natural products

More than half of people in New Zealand now use natural products and herbal medicines to support a healthy immune system. As more people figure out how to self-medicate and treat infections from home, the medical cartel must intervene and restrict their availability.

This will be the job of a newly appointed regulator who will be given fraudulent new powers to control the availability of herbal medicines and natural products. This new regulator will be able to make unilateral decisions about specific herbal products. The government has already compiled a list of 300 natural products that they hope to restrict and eliminate from the country. These include effective treatments for covid-19. Quinine, the base compound behind hydroxychloroquine, is targeted. Sweet wormwood, which is also an effective treatment for covid-19, is on the list for removal. Hibiscus, a potent antiviral, will also face restrictions. Basic plant-based medicines like aloe vera and cinnamon are also on the chopping block.