Larry Kudlow: The Bidens’ ‘Declaration of North America’ and immigration policy should be thrown away

(Source: Fox Business News)

There’s a war going on along the U.S. southern border with Mexico.  It’s a war over American sovereign territory. It’s a war that’s undermining American laws. It’s a war about drugs, especially fentanyl. It’s a war about sex trafficking. It’s a war with Mexican cartels.  It’s also a war against the many peaceful towns and cities along the border. It’s a war against working folks and the economy. But you wouldn’t know there’s a war going on based on Joe Biden’s trip to El Paso, Texas, or his Mexico City meeting with Mexico’s President Obrador and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.  

In order to win a war, you have to fight. Biden won’t fight. In fact, none of them want to fight.  

Take it from the President himself. Here he is in Mexico City yesterday:  

Joe Biden: “This has been the greatest migration in human history around the world as well as in this hemisphere. We’re trying to make it easier for people to get here – opening up the capacity to get here.”