Zelensky Says Ukraine Ready to Join WEF Meeting in Davos as It Seeks Postwar Funding

(Source: Breitbart)

When the global elites of business, finance, banking, and big government convene in Davos next month at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting, Ukraine will be amongst them.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed Wednesday his government will be at the meeting in Switzerland,  revealing he also spoke again with BlackRock Inc CEO Larry Fink about financing the postwar rebuilding effort.

“Specialists of this company are already helping Ukraine to structure the fund for the reconstruction of our state,” Zelensky, who had a video call with Fink in September, said in his evening address to the nation, according to Bloomberg.

He didn’t say whether he would attend the January 16-20 WEF in person or participate virtually, although in the past he has been a regular attendee at the elite gathering.