Giuliani Drops Names of Republicans Who Allegedly Didn’t Share Hunter Biden Laptop Info

(Source: Conservative Brief)

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani claims he tried to give Hunter Biden’s laptop to a few prominent Republicans, but they refused to report on it.

During an interview on Newsmax, Giuliani claimed he tried to give the laptop to Fox News host Sean Hannity, conservative reporter John Solomon, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

“I had this whole thing – let’s say half of it; certainly enough to prosecute — in 2019. I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it. And you should know that now that he’s running for president — and I will tell you the whole story about that at some point. I’ll write it out. And then Barr buried it in January of 2020, and I didn’t know that Barr has the hard drive,” Giuliani said.