Balenciaga Is Pizzagate

(Source: Liz Crokin Report)

In this column I’m going to explain in detail how the Balenciaga scandal is Pizzagate.

The term Pizzagate stems from the release of thousands of John Podesta’s e-mails via Wikileaks in 2016.  John was the campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and several e-mails between him and his associates contained the use of the word pizza, a well-known pedophile code word that has been identified by law enforcement and documented in the Department of Justice records, in a context that does not make sense for them to be referring to the Italian dish.  This launched a citizen investigation around the world, and what horrified researchers discovered is that there’s a secret cabal of powerful Satanic pedophiles who are engaged in the rape, torture and trafficking of children.  That’s what Pizzagate is, period.  Pizzagate was never just about one DC pizza joint and a basement – that was the mainstream media’s spin on it to distract you and to cover up crimes against children.