Mass Exodus Of Doctors And Nurses May Lead To Total Collapse Of The U.S. Medical System

(Source: Technocracy News)

Medical Technocrats have succeeded in destroying the medical system in America as a mass exodus of seasoned doctors and nurses flee the industry. This destruction started long before COVID with “evidence-based” medicine where unseen Technocrats dictated treatment for patients they had never seen or cared about. When the COVID plandemic hit, ethical medical personnel were forced out. ⁃ TN Editor

I’m a practicing ER nurse of 25 years. The amount of blood clots, strokes, cardiac events like myocarditis/pericarditis, Bell’s Palsy, shingles, etc. that I’ve seen since the vaccine rollout is more than I’ve ever seen in the previous 23.5 years combined.

I don’t know how anyone can’t be frightened by what we are seeing. When I try to discuss this with my coworkers, they turn their heads and look downcast, but will rarely speak.

I think it’s because like me, they feel betrayed for following the narrative, but unlike me they won’t open their eyes and speak out (they’re afraid for their careers and also are scared to death that their bodies are ticking time bombs). It’s easier to ignore than to acknowledge. – Susan PaceMedscape