Homeschooling Options and State Exemptions for Childhood Vaccines

(Source: Robert Malone, M.D.)

By now, most US parents know of the unanimous ACIP vote yesterday to put the (currently Emergency Use Authorized) COVID-19 injections on to the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule and the Vaccines for Children (VFC) automatic federal purchase program. Due to blowback by parents everywhere, the CDC is quick to point out that it is up to each state to add these gene therapy injections to their schedule. For example, Governor Ron Desantis and its Surgeon General Joe Ladipo have made it clear that Florida will not mandate that these products be injected into the schoolchildren of that state. The truth is that many, if not most states will add these to the schedule of required childhood vaccines in the future – so it is time to make some plans.

In life, having a “plan A” and a “plan B” is just wise. So US Parents and Grandparents; let’s get planning.

A word to our valued readers and subscribers – this article is geared for parents with school aged children. If this isn’t you, feel free to stop reading here.