Here’s Proof Our Government Does Not Want to Compensate for COVID Vaccine Injury

(Source: Children’s Health Defense)

The budget for compensation for fiscal year 2022 is $931,936.00, which ends Sept. 30. Not even $1 million has been budgeted for compensation with more than 8,800 petitions for injury filed during COVID-19.

Since mid-September of 2021, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has had one petition pending compensation from the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) alleging an anaphylaxis reaction from the jab. Just one.

And they state this pending case on each month’s report of petitions filed in the CICP.

I have been thinking about how much will this petitioner receive in compensation. Being the first case to be compensated, it might serve as a harbinger for the thousands to follow.

We know from past HRSA statements and policy, the maximum payout is approx. $365,000. No pain and suffering added on. No future medical care, which could cost tens of thousands to several million.