The National Media Won’t Show You This Proof That Fascist Nazis Of America Have Taken Over The Entire Democrat Party

(Source: All News Pipeline – Susan Duclos)

We have seen and heard different iterations of one common theme, that the Democrats of today are nothing like the democrats of yesteryear, and some recent, highly disturbing events are proof positive that it is true this is not the Democrat party of your parents or grandparents. 

This is so important to get through to those that still consider themselves “moderates.” Those that disagree with almost everything conservatives believe but not because of “party positions,” just a difference in world views, yet haven’t had the actuality of what the party has become adequately shown. Not just with words, not just with accusations, but with real examples of the radical extremism that defines the Democrat (There is nothing democratic about them) party of today.

The truth is not shown by the MSM, in fact the national media, much like in the case of Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal, are doing everything in their considerable power to hide the truth from Americans.


While we will be providing recent examples of the “liberal playbook” of today, a quick reminder of “news” from 2017 that would have had wall-to-wall coverage had it been Republicans or conservatives, yet it is possible, in fact probable, that the majority of Americans never heard a peep about it from the MSM, because it was “impeach Trump” liberals asserting that “MAGA” supporters are  fascists, right before applauding a very short speech made up of nothing but Hitler quotes.