Rockefeller Foundation Wants Behavioral Scientists To Figure Out Why People Refuse To Take The Vaccine

(Source: Great Game India)

To figure out why people refuse to take the vaccine the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and Rockefeller Foundation have established a group of behavioural scientists known as the Mercury Project.

The Rockefeller Foundation has disclosed that it (along with other non-profits) has been pouring millions of dollars into a behavioural science project meant to understand why large groups of people around the world refuse to take the jab. This is yet another indication that the covid vaccination agenda of globalist institutions did not do quite as well as they had originally hoped.

A group of behavioural scientists known as the “Mercury Project” was established by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), a non-profit institution that gets significant financing from governments and globalist organisations. The project’s stated goals are not very clear, and its mission statements and wording are vague. However, it appears that the primary objectives are to employ parts of mass psychology and behavioural psychology to explain the global resistance to the recent covid compliance efforts.