“Sabotage Joe” fake president threatens to declare CLIMATE EMERGENCY and invoke destructive executive orders to shut down America’s entire energy infrastructure

(Source: Natural News)

Imagine America with no more offshore oil rigs functioning at all. Imagine a ban on the construction of new refineries or pipelines. Consider the horrifying ramifications of our entire nation being plunged into a Sri Lanka-style collapse with engineered fuel scarcity affecting trains, long-haul trucks and all forms of transportation.

Imagine no more. “Sabotage Joe” is reportedly planning on declaring a climate emergency and invoking executive orders that would make all these things a reality.

With these executive orders, America would be plunged into Third World status, with near-total economic collapse, mass starvation, widespread power grid failures and civil unrest events off the charts. This is the plan of the climate cultists who are now at war with human civilization and who seek the complete dismantling of fossil fuel infrastructure across planet Earth, even if it means billions of people are plunged into poverty and starvation. (See Climate.news for more coverage of the climate cult.)