Why the Globalists are Terrified of Trump’s Relationships with BRICS Leaders

(Source: Clandestine)

Is it starting to make sense now as to why the Left began the propaganda campaign via the Russia Narrative back around 2014-2015? Why they label everything they don’t like as “Russian Disinformation”?

The Deep State knew this day would come. They knew Putin knew about their malevolent activities in Ukraine. Russia witnessed the US use their power to take over Ukraine via Colour Revolution in 2014, and cause mass unrest and civil war that continues to this day. The Deep State knew that if an outsider like Trump got into office, that the allegations from Russia would eventually come to light, and their crimes against humanity would be exposed.

The MSM began laying the groundwork as soon as the US established their proxy government in Ukraine. All the sudden, every time an American turned on the TV, all they heard was “Russia, Russia, Russia”. It felt like it came out of absolutely nowhere.