It’s Not Just The U.S. Where Biden Is Polling Poorly… How To Say “Let’s Go Brandon” In Five Languages

(Source: The Blue State Conservative)

President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have been in a historic freefall since shortly after he took office. According to an Associated Press-NORC poll last month, Biden’s overall approval rating here in America was at 39%, a remarkable drop from the 63% he enjoyed in the months following his inauguration. Keep in mind, that the AP is a left-leaning polling outlet meaning that in reality, Biden’s popularity is likely even lower.

Biden’s polling amongst Republicans is in the single digits, unsurprisingly, but independents overwhelmingly disapprove of the president, and his numbers are even down with Democrats. The trend is unmistakable. Americans think Biden is a lousy president. But what about internationally?

Most of us on the right couldn’t care less what Europeans or Asians or anyone else around the world thinks of us. We have an “America First” mentality and tend not to pay attention to how we’re perceived by Norwegians and Argentinians. Our mentality is this: Let them do their thing, we’ll do ours, and good luck.