‘We Are Going to Get Justice’: Families Unite to Call Out Questionable Hospital Protocols That Led to Deaths

(Source: Epoch Times)

The details in the stories of the families whose loved ones died in the hospital due to what they call “death protocols” are strikingly similar.

The patients were all scorned because of their unvaccinated status and were given a combination of sedatives and the antiviral drug remdesivir.

The patients were also kept isolated, malnourished, and ultimately put on a ventilator before dying.

After death, the families were left in confusion and with inconceivable stories that many don’t believe—stories of chilling administrative cruelty. The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (FFFF) has gathered about 200 of these stories through its COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project to build an online database of testimonies for the purpose of surveying accounts of treatment for the sick unvaccinated and prosecuting any cases involving alleged abuse.

Comment from Reader:

I am a retired nurse. I witnessed exactly the same treatment and death cocktail administered to a friend that had only one kidney from a transplant she had received years earlier. She was a pastor and had refused the Jab. I felt I was in a sci-fi movie. The medical staff all drank the Kool-Aid and turned into Nazi Party members when “protocols” were questioned. One young nurse’s head turned around and all she needed was to spew green vomit to confirm her hatred and attitude toward the non vaxed. (You get what you deserve for not getting the vax. You are not enlightened like we the enlightened and empowered have done. You are ignorant and don’t deserve to live if you have not been vaxed.) I have visited the concentration camps in Poland. I could never understand how humans could do or believe these mandates from hell. I witnessed the same “power” over humans here in a San Antonio hospital. Oh yes, the pastor died. Here’s the kicker, because a new employee forgot to elevate the head of the bed while she struggled to breathe.  Maria Q Martinez