Devin Nunes: It’s absolute POISON. It’s just REAL POISON

(Source: Fox New)

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Look, we’re sick of the Communist propaganda coming from our government. We need to dismantle it all and we spoke about this during our local GOP meeting held last night (6/9/22). We listened to several local politicians speak at our meeting and we’re appalled at the amount of bills these elected officials are voting on. It’s in the thousands! What citizens wants thousands of laws? Government has lost its way and become so insane and bloated that we are at a pinnacle point where we can no longer ignore it. The courts are all corrupt, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Corporations, local news, social media, health care, federal reserve, PAC’s, donors, dark money, 501 3 C’s, voting groups masquerading as leftist charities (Get Out the Vote), wealthy elite, drop boxes, Wall Street, ballot harvesting, Hollywood, think tanks, lobbyists, activists, World Economic Forum, FBI, CIA, DOJ, CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, Vatican, United Nations, Capitol police, State police, etc., have all been weaponized to become political players and pawns for the left. We also have a faction of the Republican party that is NOT working in the best interest of its citizens. The love of money is the root of all evil and it couldn’t be more evident than today. The whole political/election system is broken at the state and federal level. The gathering of signatures, money it takes to run for office, the DNC versus the RNC building in the Capitol that requires senators and house reps to spend their lunch hours calling donors that gives them “ranking” on specific committees by the amount of money they raise for the party and the way in which we allow millions and millions of dollars to be poured in to television commercials for the most wealthy during their run for office, is despicable. It’s all rigged. Think of how that money could better spent in more ‘healthy,’ endeavors for our country. I say, “TEAR IT ALL DOWN, CLEAN IT UP” and let the people decide how to rebuild our Democratic Republic.