2,200 Elite, Including Big Pharma CEO, Top Doctors, Movie Stars, Caught Buying FAKE Vax Certificates in Spain

(Source: Vaccine Impact News)

As we reported last year, World Bank President David Malpass made a telling admission. In a nutshell, Malpass stated that Pfizer won’t go into countries unless those governments grant them immunity from any an all damages caused by their vaccine.

If the country allows individuals or organizations to sue after Pfizer hurts them, Pfizer stays out.

Imagine the audacity it takes for a company who is ostensibly helping to stop a pandemic, to tell people they can’t have their “life-saving” medicine unless said company can harm them with impunity. There is no need to imagine, as this is the situation in which we currently find ourselves.

Refusal to take responsibility for a product with many known side effects — which was mandated on people throughout the world without their consent — naturally doesn’t sit well with folks who care about their health. For this reason, a massive black market formed around fake vaccination certifications for people who didn’t want to lose their livelihoods or worse, over forced vaccinations.