ABRACADABRA: Vaccine and pharmaceutical WITCHCRAFT and how evil laboratory warlocks “conjure” the deadly concoctions

(Source: Natural News)

The practice of black magic involves “witches” who use specific natural elements to cast “spells” that harm humans. Often, these witches commune with evil beings to create formulas or “potions” and recite incantations for casting those ritualistic spells. In the real world, the practice of “black magic” involves scientists in laboratories who use dangerous elements from nature to concoct vaccines and medications that harm humans.

Often, these pharmacologists and immunologists create potions from deadly animal venoms and viruses, then they collude with the CDC and FDA to promote their incantations (spells) for the populace to repeat, such as “safe and effective” or “benefit outweighs the risk.” This black magic, evil “witchcraft” is happening right now with COVID-19 “vaccines” and VenomTech laboratories for pharmaceutical prescription medications.