The Covid-RV study was carried out across Scotland and examined critically ill patients who were receiving treatment on ventilators due to the impact of coronavirus on their system

(Source:  GB News)

Covid-19 is associated with impaired function of the right side of the heart, a new study of intensive care patients has found.

The research, led by experts from NHS Golden Jubilee, aimed to help improve future care and outcomes for those most at risk from Covid-19, by gaining a better understanding of the impact the virus has on the sickest patients who require invasive ventilation.

The Covid-RV study was carried out in 10 intensive care units across Scotland and examined 121 critically ill patients who were receiving treatment on ventilators due to the impact of coronavirus on their system.

Researchers found that about one in three of the patients in the study showed evidence of abnormalities in the right side of the heart – the area that pumps blood to the lungs.

Nearly half (47%) of ventilated patients in the study died because of Covid-19, a figure comparable to national and international death rates.