HillaryGate: Trump Was Right

Truly astonishing foolishness — and a truly astonishing cover-up attempt.

Years ago, spying consisted of slipping a small camera into a shoe and a couple of microphones into the vases decorating some secretive office. Sometimes, if the spy was a Russian blonde, letting yourself fall into the trap was a legitimate option. Today much more information is obtained by gathering a few nerds in a dark room with their laptops and hacking into any old network. Oddly enough, for Democrats, the fact that spying is done over the internet seems to make it a negligible activity, just like they consider censorship on social networks to be negligible censorship. It’s as if they were saying, “Bah, internet stuff, kids’ stuff.” But the truth is that spying on the president of the United States, when you are the leader of the opposition, is extremely serious. Contrary to what the Left thinks, the fact that Trump is the one being spied on does not lessen the gravity of such activities.