Positive Report 21: Covid 19 Vaccine, Criminal Investigation, UK, CONFIRMED

“The UK police have launched a proper investigation into the mrna covid19 vaccine. You call 101 from the UK (+44207 230 1212) and ask for metropolitan police; the crime number is 6029679/21. I called them, the police told me they think this is going to turn massive! So any firsthand evidence of vaccine damage or medical malpractices can be reported. Examples of evidence they need:

-People not being informed of potential side effects e.g. Blood pressure stroke (heart attack stroke rates are up etc),

-Lack of informed consent that this is an experimental vaccine that may have long term damage.

-Hospitals refusing to treat patients who were not vaccinated.

-Hospitals telling lies about cause of death and doctors being threatened.

-Not allowing regular medications.

This investigation was opened by a retired police officer called Mark Sexton. 

The more internationally acclaimed doctors that approach them the better so please forward this on. 

You should see the allegations made to the ICC (international criminal court). They are shocking and sound like science fiction.  Case number OTP-CR-473/21 IT IS AN ACCUSATION OF NO LESS THAN MURDER IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. They were giving overdoses of Midazolam, a sedative medicine that causes breathing problems, to people with covid. It is all documented.”