The FBI Declassifies Files on The Finders and McMartin Pre-school Child Trafficking Cases

In 1983, a woman named Judy Johnson from the affluent California community of Manhattan Beach went to the police, claiming that her 2-year-old son had been molested by Raymond “Ray” Buckey, a 28-year-old teacher at McMartin Preschool. Police began their investigation by notifying the parents of current and former students about the possibility of sexual abuse their child.

Numerous children told similar stories of satanic animal sacrifices and sexual rituals in secret rooms at the school. By 1984, Buckey was arrested on 79 counts of child molestation. His mother was also arrested as a conspirator, as well as several other members of the Buckey family, because McMartin Preschool was owned and operated by the Buckey-McMartin family.