Nolte: Majority Say Media ‘Enemy of the People,’ Parrot Biden Talking Points

(Source: Breitbart)

A clear majority of Americans agree that the media are “truly the enemy of the people.” That includes 30 percent who strongly agree and 30 percent who somewhat agree.

Only 36 percent disagree.

Yep, the American people are getting red-pilled.

Among black voters, 49(!) percent agree the media are “truly the enemy of the people.” Even 41 percent of Democrats agree. This number should truly worry the corporate media: 61 percent of those aged 18-39 agree. No age group polled higher. The media’s future customers are already on to them.

For those wondering why a majority see the media as the enemy of the people, allow me to explain it this way: they believe that because the media are the enemy of the people. How else are we to look at an institution desperate to censor us, mutilate our kids at the altar of their trans gods, replace us with illegal aliens, open the prisons, meddle in elections, disqualify our candidates from appearing on a ballot, and encourage the assassination of our candidates.

How else are we to look at the people behind this: