Deeply Sad News – Janet Ossebaard of “Fall of the Cabal” Has Been Found Dead.

(Source:  The Expose)

Janet Ossebaard, who was arguably responsible for waking up thousands of people through her extensive research and work creating the Fall of the Cabal series has been found dead after being missing for weeks. Her partner Cyntha Koeter has written a message, (republished below) to all of their followers for their “loving and caring messages” which she says are a blessing and help healing our hearts”

An obituary has been published three days ago in the Hausa News:

Janet Ossebaard Obituary, Missing Filmmaker known for “The Fall of the Cabal” is Dead

Janet Ossebaard, the acclaimed filmmaker and visionary behind the global awakening movement, committed herself after going missing for several weeks. The news of her passing has sent shockwaves through her fans and the wider community, leaving many in shock and despair.

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