Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st Was Illegally Suspended in Favor of a Vatican “Crown” Corporation in 1871

(Source: Stillness in the Storm)

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following article details a pivotal piece of history that all who seek freedom would do well to understand. While many people assume that the legal system is a discoherent mash of randomly enacted “laws” (which is true in some cases), there is a more delicate underlying fabric at work. 

The legal system is a set of codified policies founded on contracts or equity law, which is the science of how two or more free-will beings work with each other co-creatively. The organic Constitution for the United States of America is a contract or charter of the government of the organic Republic, formed after the revolution in 1776. While this wasn’t a perfect document, it was created by the founders for the purpose of governing the union autonomously (independent of British rule), a document created by the people.

But the Cabal, for reasons too complicated to list here, cannot let any nation or group of people escape their clutches. They needed to ensure that eventually the fledgling United States would be forced back into the fold. They tried to do this using several means since the beginning of the nation, such as enacting a fractional reserve banking system just after the Revolutionary War ended. They also attempted to reinvade during the War of 1812. And while one could conclude they were successful in corrupting the U.S., it wasn’t until 1871 that an overt takeover took place. This was when the “keys to the kingdom” were handed over to the enemy and new and unparalleled era of corruption began.