Michigan Residents Could Face 5-Year Prison Sentence, $10,000 Fine for Using Wrong Pronouns

(Source:  The Freebeacon)

Democrats in the state’s House of Representatives passed the bill, HB 4474, which would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” as protected classes and criminalize causing a person to “feel terrorized, frightened, or threatened.”

The bill advanced to the State Senate, where Democrats are expected to send it to Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer, who would likely sign the legislation. If a victim says he or she is intimidated by another person and is a member of one of the protected classes, the accused person could spend five years in prison or pay a $10,000 fine.

“Make no mistake about it. Those advocating for this legislation will wield these policies as a weapon capable of destroying conservative expression or viewpoints grounded in the sacred,” William Wagner, a former federal judge and legal counsel in the U.S. Senate, told the Daily Wire. “One merely needs to look at the scores of cases brought against schools, churches, businesses, and individuals around our country.”