Why Exactly Did Hunter Biden Get A Wrist Slap Plea Deal For Tax Evasion, But Was Not Charged With Money Laundering, Bribery, Trafficking?

(Source: 2nd Smartest Guy in the World)

PSYOP-”BIDEN” is nothing more than an exercise in demoralization, and the accelerated deterioration of America.

The senile diaper soiling ice cream licking pedo criminal puppet was installed to quite literally induce in every critically thinking person feelings of hopelessness, betrayal and depression.

The only “crimes” that Hunter Biden was charged for are actually not crimes at all. Every single person that comprehends the Constitution appreciates that the illegitimate Federal government has infringed on our 2nd Amendment rights, while demanding under perpetual threat of State violence their protection racket money in the form of direct and unapportioned (i.e. unconstitutional) “income” taxes.