Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming

(Source: Alliance for Natural Health)

We debated GMOs for years, why aren’t we debating the latest bioengineering tech: mRNA? Action Alert!

Are you ready for the total transformation of our food supply? There are dozens of veterinary vaccines (and human vaccines, for that matter) in production utilizing the new mRNA technology that underpinned the COVID vaccines. This new technology is entering our food supply under the cover of darkness—granted by censorship imposed during the COVID era that power brokers seem intent on keeping in place.  

What’s often not appreciated is how fundamentally different these vaccines are from previous vaccines. They rely on synthetic biology, essentially blurring the line between biology and technology. This blurring is one of the characteristics World Economic Forum founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab, relates to his dystopian concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes gene-edited humans or ‘designer beings’.