Jefferson Healthcare’s Trans Mission —Suicide Risk as Emotional Blackmail

(Source:  Port Townsend Free Press)

“The transgender rights movement has gone well beyond seeking equal rights. It seeks to liberate women without their consent from the legal protections associated with birth sex and even from the recording of birth sex… I have changed my mind with regard to certain transgender demands, including access to women-only spaces, after listening to women. Men are rarely, if ever, affected by transgender demands, so it is easy to say ‘yes.’ We must always try to imagine ourselves in the changing rooms, hospital wards, and prisons of lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual women.”
Professor Robert Wintemute, original Yogyakarta Principles signatory

In 1964 or so, my pal Leah and I hatched a scheme to outwit the dress code enforcers in our small elementary school in a rural farming community of southern New Jersey. As was demanded by sex stereotypes at the time, girls were required to wear dresses/skirts, all logic against that tradition be damned, not the least of which was cold autumns and freezing winters. The school featured a playground with a basketball court, baseball diamonds, swings, a big slide and old-fashioned monkey bars… everything an active kid could possibly want. What young girls didn’t want was other kids (or adults) seeing up our dresses.