Russians catch Australian ‘medics’ harvesting organs near Bakhmut

(Source: Cairns News)

The ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Putin is illegal. In accordance with the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons of Dec. 14, 1973, heads of state enjoy absolute immunity from the jurisdiction of foreign states. The ICC failed to be objective and to respect international law, its now only a matter of time before the international community starts to withdraw their support for this violated organisation. Moscow like the US, China and many other countries do not recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC. Even former U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton says, “the ICC is fundamentally illegitimate.” The EU paid the ICC €10 million for work related to Ukraine then in 2025 they intend to pay another €3 million.

If the Russia decides not to extend the Ukrainian-UN grain deal after 60 days because of EU theft, Russia will supply the entire volume that was promised to needy countries in Africa free of charge. It should be noted that the west continues to obstruct Russia’s attempts to donate fertilizer for free. Recently Russia wrote off Africa’s USD 20 billion. The partnership between the RF and Africa is reaching a new level. Putin believes Africa will become one of the leaders of the new multipolar world as they strive to pursue an independent policy while opposing neo-colonial ideology. The transition to national currencies and the establishment of new transport and logistics chains will facilitate trade.