Biden Guilty of Crime Punishable by Death, David Horowitz Declares

(Source: Western Journal)

In an explosive commentary published Tuesday in Front Page Magazine under the headline, “How Should We Regard the President’s Treason?” David Horowitz said Biden has betrayed the U.S. through his decades-long history of influence-peddling, enriching himself while undermining and weakening the nation he’s supposed to serve.

“Who is Joe Biden?” Horowitz wrote. “The language we have been using to describe what has been happening to our country is so sanitized that the most fearless of our politicians and news commentators will go no further than wondering aloud whether Joe Biden might be ‘compromised’ by his influence-peddling side businesses with our enemies, China and Russia.”

Under 18 U.S. Code §2381, treason — a crime punishable by death — involves waging war and/or “giving aid and comfort” to enemies of the United States.