Writing prompt book sparks controversy among parents in Hudson

(Source: News 5 Cleveland)

HUDSON, Ohio — A book intended to prepare Hudson High School students for college now has parents in an uproar.

They said the contents of the book are inappropriate for their children and now, they’re demanding reform and transparency from the school board.

“Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom. Rewrite the sex scene from above into one that you let your mom read. Describe your favorite part of a man’s body using only verbs,” said parent Monica Haven.

Those are some of the writing prompts found inside the book, ‘642 Things to Write About.’

Until Monday, that book was being used by students in Hudson’s high school senior College Credit Plus writing class.

“Do not sexualize our kids! The raw filth that snuck past the gatekeeping functions of this board of ed. in ‘642 Reasons’ was disgusting,” said parent Morris Norman.