Our Enemy is Radical Intelligent Evil and It Has a Source, the World Economic Forum

(Source: Elizabeth Nickson)

This is the second half of last week’s essay. All the caveats remain in place, but if George Washington understood the threat of the Illuminati, why can’t we?

I have not read much in the way of Kingdom literature, which is adjunct to End Times literature, some of which is crude, some of which is deeply sourced and argued. But I came across this nasty bit of data this week and at this juncture, I can believe it. It is entirely arguable that the Germans lost World War 2 but the Nazis didn’t. They poured through the rat lines of Europe – one of the entry points being the Vatican – and spread throughout the world, most particularly into the U.S. government, sciences, and corporate America. Deeply immersed in the occult, they were quite frankly, the worst people who have lived. Vis., from The Shinar Directive.