Featured Video: When You’re A Democrat

When you’re a Democrat, what does “Democracy” mean? When you’re a Democrat, “Democracy” means conspiring in a years-long coverup to hide the fact that your election candidate and sitting President is cognitively compromised and mentally unfit, rigging your own primary for one candidate by blocking alternatives, then disenfranchising your own party voters by executing a coup to remove him once the coverup is exposed. When you’re a Democrat, “Democracy” means censoring the internet, attempting to destroy anyone who opposes it, and employing US intelligence agencies to outsource first-amendment violations to third party surrogates. When you’re a Democrat, “Democracy” means attempting to remove your political opponent’s name from the ballot, opposing all election security measures, making it harder to prosecute voter fraud, and killing legislation that would strengthen laws against non-citizens voting in national elections. When you’re a Democrat, “Democracy” means waging an unprecedented lawfare campaign against your political opponent, trying to imprison him, jailing as many of his supporters as possible, and demonizing him with so much harmful rhetoric that it leads to an assassination attempt. When you’re a Democrat, “Democracy” really means “Democrat Power.”