Strongholds Falling; Populists Seize the Culture

(Source: Elizabeth Nickson – Substack)

The revolution is happening all over the socials, especially in videos. And the disgust is palpable. If I were in strategy in left-wing politics, I would be panicking. James Carville, that wizened dwarfish hate-filled creep, is panicking and I for one, cannot stop watching him.

Biden is staying. There’s no replacing him with anyone. He is sane enough to know that the minute he goes, he is in a world of pain, as every single member of his family lands in prosecutorial hot water. He’s a crook, his family are crooks, and furthermore they sold out the country to its enemies. I challenge any Democrat voter to read Peter Schweizer’s book on the Bidens and not view them covered in bugs and feces. That’s how awful they are. They are cadavers, the walking dead; they have sold their souls so many times, the drug addled pedophile Hunter is their appropriate face.