Scotland Imposes Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law, Those Found Guilty Face Seven Years in Prison

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)

Scotland’s fascist “hate crime” law has gone into effect today, meaning the government will be able to freely prosecute individuals they deem to be running afoul of the rules.

The bill, approved by the country’s Muslim and openly anti-white First Minister Humza Yousef, represents one of the broadest and most shameless crackdowns on free speech in the Western world:

Sky News reports:

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into force on Monday 1 April and aims to provide greater protection for victims and communities. It consolidates existing legislation and introduces new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred based on prejudice towards characteristics such as age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

The new provisions add to the laws on the statute book for race, which have been in place UK-wide since 1986. Sex has been omitted from the act as a standalone bill designed to tackle misogyny is expected to be laid before the Scottish parliament at a later date.