Scientist claims ‘smoking gun’ proves Covid was intentionally made by Chinese lab

(Source: Express)

Richard H. Ebright says 2018 documents from the Wuhan laboratory discussed the creation of a virus, potentially engineered to be more transmissible to humans.

A British professor has suggested that COVID-19 might have originated from a laboratory in China at the United Nations on Wednesday.

Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, claimed that evidence indicating a lab-manufactured origin of the virus has reached the level of a “smoking gun”.

Ebright’s statements were reported in a recent Wall Street Journal article, where he highlighted findings from a 2018 document originating from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The document discussed the creation of a virus, potentially engineered to be more transmissible to humans, raising alarming questions about the origins of the pandemic.