Watch: “Guerrilla Camps” Set Up By Leftist Groups Assist Cartels In Southern Border Invasion

(Source: Zero Hedge)

Real America’s Voice host Ben Bergquam published a video on social media platform X that exposes what is described as a ‘guerrilla camp’ on the southern border, operated by radical leftist groups, which are aiding in the illegal migrant invasion by cartels.  

“OK, here is the whole video. You have to watch it all – it just gets worse and worse! Leftists caught directly aiding and abetting the invasion of our country the wall in Sasabe, Arizona,” Bergquam wrote on X. 

He continued: ” These are some of the same people that we previously exposed harboring illegals at their camp in Arivaca. How do we save our country when we allow enemies within to do this? When we take power back, these organizations must be defunded and prosecuted.”