Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

(Source: Deep Capture)

It started off as a typical DeepCapture intrigue, this one set in Europe with whistleblowers whispering in the backs of airport hotel bars, stakeouts in obscure Swiss hamlets, and back-alley brush-passes in Eastern European capitals. It ended with proof that is a liver-punch to Garland’s politicized Department of Justice.

The superb 151-page whistleblower complaint (attached) speaks for itself. Three allegations to take from it:

  1. Jack Smith is the current Special Counsel prosecuting Donald Trump on two grounds, one related to J6 (for which I take full responsibility) and the other related to the “crime” of being an ex-President with an active Department of Energy clearance possessing classified materials. Before pursuing such novel legal theories as are expressed in those indictments, Jack Smith was the US prosecutor in the International Criminal Court in The Hague, where Jack Smith was a blackmailer.
    • Jack was sending henchmen to Eastern European to convey the following message to various parties (both innocent and perhaps not-so-innocent): We know that during the Yugoslavian Civil War you murdered some people, Jack is going to indict you but if you will put $X in a suitcase for me to carry back to Jack your problems go away.
    • $X = from $400,000 to $9 million (bribes of $7 million and $9 million were paid through Bitcoin, not suitcases).
    • Jack sought a $100 million bribe from a head of state who refused payment and is now in prison.
    • We learned of these allegations because of a passel of European whistleblowers who not only shared the stories, they wrote superbly detailed affidavits, provided texts and financial records, etc. Read the 151 pages with exhibits yourselves. From where I sit, Jack looks shtuped.