The Federal Reserve Rolled into the US Treasury and Economic Forecast

(Source: David Mashian – LinkedIn)

In March of 2020, the single biggest news event of the decade hardly got any news coverage, and that is the Federal Reserve just got rolled into the US Treasury Department. This happened in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, so such massive news got drowned out by Corona Virus news and concerns. Most people don’t know what the Federal Reserve is or was. To put it simply, The Fed was a privately-owned banking cartel owned by foreign and domestic wealthy banking families who controlled the economic system of the United States by controlling its money supply. With this single act, the US government now owns “The Fed” and has the ability to govern its own financial destiny without acquiescing to a third-party entity whose interests are not aligned with WE THE PEOPLE. We, through our elected officials, now control our own money supply. THAT IS HUGE!

This bodes well for our economic recovery as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that paralyzed the US. President Trump, through the US Treasury, now has full control over spending money to stimulate economy. As a result, it looks that the US is at the start of a golden age.