BOOM! GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR are components of the New Financial System. Everything Is Related

(Source: American Media Group)

From the smoldering ashes of the old system, a phoenix of financial revolution is rising. We are amidst a potent paradigm shift, leading us from the confines of the known to the thrilling embrace of a new age – the Great Awakening to Unity Consciousness. It’s not just about currencies, regulations, or protocols. It’s about us – you, me, and our collective dream of a golden age beyond our wildest imagination.

##1. Embracing the Great Shift

Planet Earth and humanity stand on the precipice of a magnificent transformation, a period known as the Great Shift of Consciousness. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, we are experiencing an unprecedented evolution of thought, a collective maturing of our understanding of the world and our place within it.

And at the heart of this transformation, driving it, shaping it, we find a fundamental change in the very lifeblood of our societies – our financial system.