Parents Push Back Against Pornographic Books in Libraries at Chaotic Maine School Board Meeting

(Source: MaineWire)

Parents in the Maine School Administrative District #51 (MSAD #51) pushed back against pornographic books in the district’s school libraries at a chaotic Monday evening School Board meeting.

The brouhaha follows the district’s July Board meeting, which abruptly adjourned following one Cumberland parent, Scott Jordan, raising his concerns to the Board about the sexually explicit book Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe being in the Greely High School Library.

[RELATED: Maine School Board Shuts Down Discussion of Pornographic Books, Police Called on Parents]

Although the speaker prior to Jordan in the public comment section of the July meeting was given over six minutes to speak, the Board limited Jordan’s comments to three minutes, causing him to initially say he would not leave the podium.

Eventually, Jordan offered leave the podium to allow other attendees to speak — but the Board voted to adjourn the meeting anyway, shutting down the discussion of the books.

After the July meeting adjourned, a Board member — who was not identified in the Cumberland Police report — called the police on parents having a cordial conversation with Superintendent Jeff Porter outside Greely High School.