The Maui Fires and the Globalist Agenda against humanity

(Source: Bruce Cain – Substack)

I’ve assembled a lot of information in this essay. I highly encourage my readers to spend the hours required to watch the videos and read the cited articles. The destruction of Maui is a war crime and governor Green and others need to be criminally prosecuted. The greater crime here is the “Green Agenda” ideology which is a sad joke as there is no Anthropogenic Climate Change. What happened in Maui appears to be premeditated destruction of Maui in order to steal the land and rebuild Maui as a Smart City. Biden is only offering low interest loans. No, every resident of Maui must be made whole as it was not their fault. It was the fault of people like Biden pushing this globalist WEF Green Agenda. Hawaii Electric invested their money in renewable energy instead of protecting against Wildfires. All in the name of this insane Green Agenda. Well now we just saw how destructive this Green Agenda can be. How many parents and children have needlessly died? And that is why we must stop it. No more EV’s. No more Green Globalist Agenda. I also discuss YIMBY, which has been promoted by both Obama and Biden administrations. It is about suspending local zoning laws in order to promote Smart Suburbs and Smart Cities.