America Last: NY Hotels Evict Struggling Homeless Veterans to Make Room for Illegal Aliens

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)

New York Mayor Eric Adams is discovering the complications that come with Biden’s broken immigration policy.

The Gateway Pundit reported that thousands of illegal immigrants have arrived in NYC in the last few months and city taxpayers have spent millions caring for these invaders. NYC officials have placed them in at least 14 hotels at zero cost.

Felipe Rodriguez, a whistleblower who has been an employee at the Row Hotel since 2017, shared his concerns with Fox News, “The chaos that we see at the Row today is compiled by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana, consuming drugs, and domestic violence, uh, people having sex in the stairs, young people, teenagers, they use the fire exit stairs to go in there and do that they do.”

“We have people actually trying to act like the hotel is theirs and we have no rights. The form in which they keep their rooms is horrendous. They don’t clean it, they don’t fold their clothes. It’s piles and piles, they’re hoarding clothes, they’re hoarding whatever they can hoard.”